La educación psicomotriz en su contribución al desarrollo del lenguaje en niños que presentan necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo

  1. Rodríguez Barba, María Teresa
  2. Isabel María Gómez Barreto
  3. Alejandro Prieto Ayuso
  4. Pedro Gil Madrona
Revista de Investigación en Logopedia

ISSN: 2174-5218

Ano de publicación: 2017

Volume: 7

Número: 1

Páxinas: 89-106

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista de Investigación en Logopedia

Repositorio institucional: lock_openAcceso aberto Editor


This investigation pretends to demonstrate the influence and contribution of psychomotor assistance in the language development of three children aged from four to five years old with special needs education due to their intellectual disabilities. It focuses on their language improvement using a psychomotor program for three months. The program is based on movement and motor play as a complement to the speech therapy assistance. The group of children taking place in the investigation have language problems and/or difficulties, as well as, some specific issues as: Down´s syndrome, development retardation or autism. The test carried with these kids is called Batelle (Newborg, Stock y Weck, 2001) and examines their language and motor abilities before and after the test. The results show positive effects in their comprehensive and expressive language and their psychomotor activity. Psychomotor development is fundamental for every evolutionary development and it also improves and encourages children participation in speech therapy sessions. This can be very beneficial when participating in school activities with other children with special educational needs

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