Úlceras por presión en el paciente paliativo oncológico y no-oncológico ¿inevitables?. Un estudio retrospectivo
- Antonio Ramos Sánchez
- Mª del Carmen Águila Pollo
- Margarita Vázquez Aguilera
- David Fernández Ayuso
- Juan M. Arribas Marín
- Ana Sofia Fernandes Ribeiro
ISSN: 1576-5520, 2659-2959
Datum der Publikation: 2018
Ausgabe: 20
Nummer: 2
Seiten: 13-17
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Enfermería Oncológica
Aim: Although they are mostly avoidable, there are pressure ulcers that are not. In critically ill patients, such as palliative patients, the appearance of these unavoidable UPPs is associated with the progressive deterioration of the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by hypoperfusion associated with the dying process. Given the scant evidence that there is still on this type of injury in the field of palliative care, the following main objective is stated: To determine the prevalence and incidence of pressure ulcers in a palliative care unit, as well as the moment of appearance of these. Patients and methods: an observational, retrospective and cross-sectional study in a consecutive sample of patients admitted to a palliative care unit for three years. Results: 1,601 patients were attended with an age and an average stay of 74,39±13,34 years and 22,40±28,33 days. The prevalence period of pressure ulcers was 32,60% and the cumulative incidence of 2.62%. 36.36% of the ulcers developed in the week prior to the death of the patients. Conclusion: The differential diagnosis between avoidable and unavoidable UPP is key to being able to establish realistic care goals and not feed false hopes of cure. On the other hand, given the high prevalence of UPP, it is necessary that its prevention and treatment are incorporated as main objectives in the care of patients who are in the dying process.