Importancia del ferrule en la reconstrucción del diente endodonciado

  1. Zubizarreta Macho, Álvaro
  2. Alonso Ezpeleta, Luis Oscar
  3. Mena Álvarez, Jesús
Gaceta dental: Industria y profesiones

ISSN: 1135-2949

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 235

Pages: 94-100

Type: Article

More publications in: Gaceta dental: Industria y profesiones


The foundation pursues this article is merely to update the knowledge of the clinical concep (ferrule) of fundamental importance in the restoration of those teeth affected by a significant loss of tooth structure. The restoration of endodontically treated tooth is per se a crucial phase of treatment to substantiate the longevity of the tooth. And Ferrule stands as a key concept to consider in evaluating it.