Implantes en maxilar superior con regeneración. A propósito de un caso

  1. R. Aycart Delgado
  2. A. Armijo Salto
  3. M. Fernandez-Roldan
  4. J.M. Aragoneses Lamas
RCOE: Revista del Ilustre Consejo General de Colegios de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de España

ISSN: 1138-123X

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: Monográfico de Implantología Oral

Volume: 19

Issue: 2

Pages: 129-139

Type: Article

More publications in: RCOE: Revista del Ilustre Consejo General de Colegios de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de España


Today arise situations in which the amount and quality of bone are not best placed to perform and ensure successful implant treatment. Most often the maxillary atrophy is caused by the combination of maxillary bone resorption and pneumatization of the maxillary sinus. From the 60 authors like Wallace, Pietrolovsky, Berg, Parkinson described bone atrophy that can occur in the maxilla, describing the various techniques of bone regeneration that now can be studied and propose to solve these cases of bone deficit, and thereby ensure the success of our implant treatment.1-11 Among the different techniques of maxillary bone regeneration we can find, sinus elevation, regeneration in width and / or height with particulate bone and cortical plate?, split crest technique and block graft. We report a case of a 48 year old woman with generalized chronic periodontitis, mobility grade III and carious lesions. After the clinical and radiographic study, treatment is planned for the maxilla based on the future fixed prosthesis over six osseointegrated implants, requiring the removal of all the teeth and subsequent regeneration in height and width, in order to provide satisfactory results.