El reportaje inmersivo en vídeo 360ºdiseño de un modelo de análisis
- María-José Benítez-de-Gracia 1
- Susana Herrera-Damas 1
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
ISSN: 1386-6710, 1699-2407
Year of publication: 2018
Issue Title: Información personal y datos masivos
Volume: 27
Issue: 1
Pages: 149-161
Type: Article
More publications in: El profesional de la información
The evolution of recording technology for real images in 360º video has fueled adoption by some media, particularly from 2015. It is an emerging and innovative trend that offers the viewer the possibility of approaching an event with great realism. In this article we propose a model to conduct content analysis based on feature identification and basic characterization. Our model identifies which elements are influential in generating a sense of being in a represented place. The objective is to identify the factors involved in the construction of a story that generates a sensation of immersion in the reality that is being represented.
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