Inmersión del espectador en el reportaje en 360ºAnálisis comparativo de “En la piel de un refugiado” y “Fukushima, vidas contaminadas”
- María José Benítez de Gracia 1
- Susana Herrera Damas 1
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
ISSN: 1696-019X
Year of publication: 2018
Issue: 26
Pages: 191-210
Type: Article
More publications in: Doxa Comunicación: revista interdisciplinar de estudios de comunicación y ciencias sociales
The aim of this paper is to identify some of the narrative resources being used in immersive features to increase in the viewer the sensation of being inside the represented reality represented. In order to do, so we have used a blended methodology based on content analysis and in depth interviews with their creators, to perform a comparative analysis between 2 Spanish projects. The selected features are “En la piel de un refugiado” (“In the skin of a refugeee”), published by El Confidencial in 2016 and “Fukushima, vidas contaminadas” (“Fukushima, polluted lives”), also published that year by El País. Results indicate the coincidence in the use of some narrative techniques, but also great differences when using other resources. This fact certifies the experimental nature of this type of contents
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