Realidad virtual y reportaje inmersivo con vídeo en 360º. Análisis del uso por parte medios españoles

  1. María José Benítez de Gracia
  2. Susana Herrera Damas
Miguel Hernández Communication Journal

ISSN: 1989-8681

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 10

Pages: 239-262

Type: Article

DOI: 10.21134/MHCJ.V10I0.299 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

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Favored by the confluence of a set of factors starting in 2015, immersive journalism is today a minor but increasingly extended reality in some media. Unlike other conventional ways of telling, this new modality generates in the spectator the sense of presence in a reality that is only being represented. This benefits a deeper and more meaningful understanding of it. The aim of this contribution is to draw up an exploratory analysis on how Spanish media are using these immersive 360º videobased features. In order to do so, we have carried out a content analysis of the features produced by Spanish news media between January 2015, year in which this type of feature begins to be produced on a more regular basis, and December 2017. The results reveal common basic journalistic characteristics, although the aspects that can contribute to promote immersion reflect an arbitrary use of different techniques. However, given its versatility for journalism, research and future contributions in this regard are decisive for better knowledge and its adoption within journalistic practice.

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