Treatment of multiple recessions in the aesthetic sector through the use of the bilaminar techniquedescription of the surgical technique and results

  1. Quispe López, Norberto 1
  2. García-Faria García, Carmen
  3. Mena Álvarez, Jesús 1
  4. Morales Sánchez, Araceli
  5. Galán Ledesma, Enrique
  6. Gensana Talarm, Miquel
  7. Aranda Vegas, Eloy
  8. Pérez González, Juan Francisco
  1. 1 Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio

    Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio

    Villanueva de la Cañada, España


Científica dental: Revista científica de formación continuada

ISSN: 1697-6398 1697-641X

Argitalpen urtea: 2018

Alea: 15

Zenbakia: 4

Orrialdeak: 34-39

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Científica dental: Revista científica de formación continuada


Gingival recession, defined as partial radicular denudation by apical displacement of the gingival margin, involves the vestibular alveolar bone and the free gingiva located above it. Gingival recessions were classified by Miller according to the prognosis for root coverage. Different surgical procedures and flap designs have been proposed for the treatment of multiple recessions in the aesthetic area. This paper presents and describes the treatment of multiple adjacent gingival recession affecting the aesthetic zone, which were treated using the bilaminar technique, connective tissue graft and enamel matrix derivatives in combination with a coronally advanced flap. Use of the bilaminar technique resulted in successful root coverage for treatment of multiple gingival recession.