Distracción Alveolar HistogénicaEstado actual y caso clínico

  1. Acevedo Ocaña, R.
  2. Guisado Moya, B.
Científica dental: Revista científica de formación continuada

ISSN: 1697-6398 1697-641X

Argitalpen urtea: 2005

Alea: 2

Zenbakia: 1

Orrialdeak: 31-40

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Científica dental: Revista científica de formación continuada

Gordailu instituzionala: lock_openSarbide irekia Editor


alveolar distraction described at first instance by Chin and Toth in 1996, became an alternative to traditional methods used for vertical bone augmentation in the congenital or adquired alveolar bone defects correction. A review of the results using alveolar distraction published in the last 5-years was made, as well as an valuation of some of the alveolar distractor desings. Encauraging results are observed, becaming an alternative to the classic guided bone regeneration ar bone grafts.