Interdependencia entre el desarrollo del torus mandibular y del cartílago del primer arco faríngeo

Supervised by:
  1. Samuel Verdugo López Director
  2. José Francisco Rodríguez Vázquez Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 02 June 2017

  1. José Vicente Sanz Casado Chair
  2. Benjamín Serrano Madrigal Secretary
  3. Eugenia Baena Aguilera Committee member
  4. Eva López Corral Committee member
  5. María Sol Ucha Domingo Committee member

Type: Thesis


Torus mandibularis has been considered as a bony exostosis without any relationship with pathological entities, over the mylohyoid line, in the lingual aspect of the body of mandible. The etiology causes controversy. Classically it has been proposed three hypotheses to explain its origin: 1.Hereditary predisposition: The most accepted. Many of the authors theorize about the genetic pattern of torus, probably of dominant inheritance (Suzuki y Sakai ,1960) 2. Masticatory stress: Associated with functional charges stimulates the growth of torus (Eggen,1989) 3. Environmental influence: According to this theory a population that feeds on a hard diet will have a greater formation of mandibular torus (Pynn y cols., 1985). Recently, the origin of this formation has been related to the development of the Meckel`s cartilage or cartilage of the first pharyngeal arch (Rodríguez- Vázquez y cols. 2015)...