Impacto en la calidad de vida en cuidadores de supervivientes de un ictus

  1. Fidel López Espuela
  2. González Gil, Teresa
  3. Jiménez Gracia, María Antonia
  4. Bravo Fernández, S.
  5. Amarilla Donoso, Francisco Javier
Enfermería clínica

ISSN: 1130-8621

Année de publication: 2015

Volumen: 25

Número: 2

Pages: 49-56

Type: Article


D'autres publications dans: Enfermería clínica


Stroke is the first cause of disability in adults. Often, the care falls on the family and can affect their quality of life. Aim To determine the health-related quality of life and the level of caregiver burden of a patient after a stroke. Method Descriptive and cross-sectional study. Caregivers, who had cared for a patient for more than six months and without pay, were included. This study had been approved by the Ethics Committee. Variables collected: sociodemographic, EuroQol-5D questionnaire, Zarit scale, mood and sleep problems. Results Forty-eight caregivers were included, with a mean age of 55.63 (SD: 13.48) and the majority were women (70.8%). The mean time of the care was 28.8 months (SD: 28.68), with 58% stated having a depressed mood, 31% had burden, and 89.6% had sleep problems. The dimensions that presented problems (moderate and severe) in the EQ-5D were pain-discomfort (66.7%) and anxiety-depression (68.8%). The score on the visual analog scale rating of quality of life was associated with a worse mood (75.5 vs. 32, p = 0.0028), with the pain (81.94 vs. 38, p < 0 .001), and Zarit scale (r: < 0.334, p = 0.020). Conclusions The role of caregivers of stroke patients often falls on women. To be a caregiver affects the quality of life, mainly in the pain-discomfort and anxiety-depression dimensions, regardless of the functional status of the patient. Nurses must identify the psychopathological needs and develop strategies on the prevention of the risk of burnout.

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