Prevalencia de úlceras por presión en un centro sociosanitario
- Aguila Pollo, María del Carmen
- Corrales, José M.
- Buitrago Barrasa, Verónica
- Serrano Mongue, Violeta
- Ramos Sánchez, Antonio
- Ribeiro, Ana Sofía Fernandes
ISSN: 1988-348X
Datum der Publikation: 2014
Nummer: 8
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: ENE Revista de Enfermería
The knowledge of the state of a specific health problem, such as pressure ulcers(PU) is doubtlessly the first step to manage the necessary resources for their treatment.The aim of this study was: to identify the prevalence / incidence rate in a sanitary center of medium to long stay. We have designed a longitudinal retrospective study in which all patients admitted along 2012 were analyzed. We have identified a total of 562 patients treated for PU. The results shown an average prevalence and incidence rates of patients with UP of 13.53% and 3.11% respectively.
Bibliographische Referenzen
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