Exploring interactions between Blastocystis sp., Strongyloides spp. and the gut microbiomes of wild chimpanzees in Senegal

  1. Renelies-Hamilton, J.
  2. Noguera-Julian, M.
  3. Parera, M.
  4. Paredes, R.
  5. Pacheco, L.
  6. Dacal, E.
  7. Saugar, J.M.
  8. Rubio, J.M.
  9. Poulsen, M.
  10. Köster, P.C.
  11. Carmena, D.
Infection, Genetics and Evolution

ISSN: 1567-7257 1567-1348

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 74

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.MEEGID.2019.104010 GOOGLE SCHOLAR