Los graffiti en la Frontera Méjico-Americanaestudio comparativo entre el Parque Chicano de San Diego y las calles de Tijuana

  1. Sierra Macarrón, Leonor
Signo: revista de historia de la cultura escrita

ISSN: 1134-1165

Year of publication: 2003

Issue: 12

Pages: 61-80

Type: Article

More publications in: Signo: revista de historia de la cultura escrita


The geographic space in which San Diego and Tijuana cities are placed is the best to exemplify the continuous economic, cultural, political and even religious exchange that takes place between the bordering regions of US and México. From the cultural point of view, and specifically to writing, this border effect can be confirmed in the graffiti that can be seen in San Diego’s Parque Chicano and in Tijuana’s streets. We can find in both cases examples of graffiti with political content and graffiti done by street gangs. In these artistic displays it is possible to find a huge number of features that prove the mutual influence that exists between the societies of both North-America countries.