Validación transcultural al contexto español de la escala de adaptación y afrontamiento de Callista Roy

  1. Gualdron Romero, Maria Alexandra
  1. Mª del Carmen Sellán Soto Zuzendaria
  2. Antonio Vázquez Sellán Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 2019(e)ko ekaina-(a)k 18

  1. Eva García Perea Presidentea
  2. Patricia Luna Castaño Idazkaria
  3. Juan José Tirado Darder Kidea
  4. José Ramón Martínez Riera Kidea

Mota: Tesia


People with mental illness have symptoms associated with their disorder that prevents them from adequately managing external and internal demands to face the challenges of life, generating stress and adaptation difficulties. The hypothesis guiding this project is that the measurement of the coping and adaptation process allows the identification of ineffective responses within the disease, its assessment allows the nurse to plan intervention strategies in care that improve the quality of the life and the social functioning of people with mental illness. The specific objective of this research project is to validate transculturally to the Spain context the Scale of Measurement of the Coping and Adaptation in people with mental illness. With a methodological strategy guided by the Delphi Method, expert validation has been combined with traditional psychometric analysis to determine the internal validity and reliability of the instrument (Scale of Measurement of the Adaptation Process and Coping of Callista Roy) in four phases. In the first phase, validation was carried out by the expert panel, in the second phase the pre- pilot validation was carried out with an intentional sample of 5 subjects with mental illness, in the third phase the instrument was validated with a pilot sample with 30 subjects with mental illness. And in the four phases was carried out validation in the sample with 221 subjects with mental illness. The results showed that the CAPS scale validated to the Spanish context has a valid content and adequate reliability; likewise, the results of the analysis are congruent and similar with previous research in other contexts.