Diseño de un instrumento de evaluación de aplicaciones digitales (Apps) que permiten desarrollar la competencia artística
- Martín Caeiro Rodríguez 1
- Feliciano F. Ordoñez Fernández 1
- María Dolores Callejón Chinchilla 2
- Elke Castro León 1
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
Universidad de Jaén
- Medina Rivilla, Antonio María
ISSN: 1133-8482
Año de publicación: 2020
Número: 58
Páginas: 1-25
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Pixel-Bit: Revista de medios y educación
Introduction. Apps of Art are those that have been thought and designed to carry out artistic experiences or that allow working with art contents. Methodology. In this study we present an evaluation instrument that serves to identify and select various items that develop artistic competence according to expressive or perceptive actions. This assessment battery was configured taking into account the artistic contents for the pre-university training stages, especially primary and secondary. It is composed of 98 items distributed in three dimensions and four scales: Artistic Dimension (expressive and perceptive domain), Technical Dimension and Pedagogical Dimension. The methodology we have followed has been a process validated by the judgment of experts in artistic education and the use of emerging technology, applying an Attribute Agreement Analysis through ordinal Likert scales. Results. The descriptive statistics obtained as well as the list of resulting items in each dimension are included. Discussion. Once the process is finished and taking into account the resulting number of items and their wording, we consider that it is feasible to use the instrument to comprehensively evaluate Apps of Art taking into consideration the artistic, technical and pedagogical dimensions and including the educational level of the artistic experiences.
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