Efectividad de la utilización de la metodología enfermera en la incidencia de caídas en población anciana de la Comunidad de Madrid

  1. Dominguez Fernandez, Silvia
  1. Francisco Javier Pérez Rivas Zuzendaria
  2. J.L. Pacheco del Cerro Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 2021(e)ko urria-(a)k 13

  1. Ramón del Gallego Lastra Presidentea
  2. Alfonso Meneses Monroy Idazkaria
  3. José María Santamaría García Kidea
  4. Juan Cárdenas Valladolid Kidea
  5. Esther García García Kidea

Mota: Tesia


Falls in the elderly people are a major public health problem due to the direct physical, psychological and social level consequences for the people who suffer them, and indirect consequences due to the economic consequences for the health system.Nursing methodology is the process of solving care problems in a systematic manner. The nursing diagnosis, 'Risk for falls', identifies vulnerable people to suffer this event and serves as the basis for planning care to avoid their occurrence.There is currently no study evaluating the effectiveness of the use of the nursing methodology in the incidence of falls.This study has been conducted in two stages to respond to the following general objectives:- To describe the use of the nursing diagnosis 'Risk for falls' in Primary Care of the Community of Madrid.- To assess the incidence of falls in elderly people over 75 years living in the community according to the presence or not of the diagnostic label 'Risk for falls'...