Propuestas de Mejora de la Eficiencia Energética en Instalaciones Existentes de Alumbrado Público
- Carlos de la Fuente Borreguero
- Esther Guervós Sánchez
ISSN: 1696-8085
Argitalpen urtea: 2013
Zenbakia: 11
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Tecnología y desarrollo
The public lighting installations have a significant potential savings and improve environmental protection, reducing light pollution and greenhouse gas emissions to atmospheric. To assess its energy is necessary to perform a complete audit that will allow us identify the factors which act to make savings proposals. He made several proposals for improving energy efficiency: removal of unnecessary lighting, replacement of luminaries and lamps of low efficiency, low installed power and light levels by changing lamps and equipment, installation of a flow control header, replacing magnetic ballasts by electronic equipment, installation of remote management systems, replacing existing fixtures by others based on led technology and development of maintenance program