Pilot Assessment of a Rapid Test for the Detection of COVID-19 Disease by Using Latex Agglutination

  1. Cariaga Martínez, Ariel Ernesto
  2. Gutiérrez KJ
  3. Alelú- Paz R
Austin Journal of Clinical Case Reports

Año de publicación: 2021

Tipo: Artículo


The rapid spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which was declared a pandemic by the WHO in March 2020, has forced the scientific community to develop rapid detection tests in order to detect positive cases and implement the containment measures established in each country. In this regard, the techniques used (RTPCR, antibody test, etc.) have a number of drawbacks: require specialized personnel, in addition to, in some cases, obtaining results after 24 hours. Agglutination tests, widely used in the detection of viral particles, represent a simple, inexpensive and scalable method that would allow screening studies to be carried out in large populations. In this paper, we present a SARS-CoV-2 detection test based on this methodology, which could be considered as a complementary method to the techniques used for the detection of SARSCoV-2.