Buits infraestructuralsestratègies operatives pel projecte de la ciutat contemporània

  1. Vancells Guerin, Xavier
Dirigida por:
  1. Cristina Jover Fontanals Director/a
  2. Pere Riera Pañellas Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Fecha de defensa: 13 de noviembre de 2015

  1. Jaime Coll López Presidente/a
  2. Ferran Grau Valldosera Secretario/a
  3. Federico Soriano Vocal
  4. Elisa Cristiana Cattaneo Vocal
  5. Francesc Manuel Muñoz Ramírez Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 413553 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The aim ofthis thesis is to create an analytical framework to understand the specificity and potential of these areas from a critical view of the current extensive growth model operating on the territory, which is performing strategic areas that can offer instrumental knowledge useful for the project in the contemporary city. As an alternative to the reductionism or the lack of flexibility and excessive spatial determinism that often characterize this type of spaces, thes thesis proposes an alternative vision based on a carfeul reading of the specific elements and its resources (the specificity of the precedent) as well as the understanding and use of its proven potential resistance in front of the dynamics established (marginal value) states the criteria and develops the intervention guidelines in from their recognition as areas critical to the recovery of the biophysical matrix and the orientation of post-industrial urban establisments, articulate their protection and promote the systematic destruction regular updating through an active and progressive incorporation into proceses of contemporary urban innovation.The thesis is divided into four main research parts. The first part aims to clarify the origins of the research and the decisive moments of change. To grasp today's potential, infrastructural voids need to be analyzed and understood before the developing role of the transportation and telecommunication infrastructures in shaping the contemporary city and the dynamics that have generated their evolution. That is why the impact is analyzed in the context of technological advances in urban ideology and configured to set up a tradition based analysis(2.Background). The second part, once introduced in its specific research topic, and having a certain state of affairs, aims to find conceptual parameters and operational strategies to objectify precisely the framework of the research (3. Conclusions : conceptual parameters , operational strategies). The third part is based on the assumptions set out in the second and with the intention of verifying its validity, and consist in the application of conceptual parameters as research tools in selected opertional strategies (4. Strategic Sample Applications). Finally, the fifth part is the application of conceptual parameters as instruments of research in a case study, Barcelona, with the aim ofverifying its real potential (5. Barcelona. Aspecific application).