Estado periodontal de los primeros molares permanentes en pacientes antes y durante el tratamiento de ortodoncia con brackets: bandas vs tubos en primeros molares permanentes

  1. Galán Ledesma, J. A. 1
  2. Nieto Sánchez, I. 1
  3. De la Cruz Pérez, J. 1
  4. Martín-Palomino Sahagun, P. 1
  1. 1 Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio

    Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio

    Villanueva de la Cañada, España


Ortodoncia española: Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Ortodoncia

ISSN: 0210-1637

Ano de publicación: 2016

Volume: 54

Número: 3

Páxinas: 7-13

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Ortodoncia española: Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Ortodoncia


The aim of this study was to evaluate the periodontal changes (bleeding and depth of periodontal pockets) in two groups of patients with fixed appliances multibrackets:one with bands and the other one with tubes in molars. Initially we evaluated the patients periodontally, and the orthodontic treatment was only started in those patients periodontally healthy. The control groups had tubes in the first molars and the other one bands. The aim is to analyze if there are significant differences in catheterization between the beginning, a month, three months, and six months of treatment between patients who carry bands in molars versus those carrying tubes. We also want to evaluate if there are differences between the use of bands and tubes, with the use of different auxiliary devices, such as transpalatine bar, lingual arch, nance button and quadhelix, and if these are associated with changes in the probing depths.