Aplicabilidad de las tablas de probabilidad de Moyers en la población ortodóncica española

  1. Dias Méndez, A.
  2. Rodríguez Lamolda,C.
  3. Sastre Álvaro, H. 1
  4. Ortiz Moreno, F. 1
  5. Ríos-Díaz, J. 1
  6. Nieto Sánchez, I. 1
  1. 1 Universidad Antonio de Nebrija. Centro de Ciencias de la Salud San Rafael
Ortodoncia española: Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Ortodoncia

ISSN: 0210-1637

Argitalpen urtea: 2019

Alea: 57

Zenbakia: 2

Orrialdeak: 21-32

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Ortodoncia española: Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Ortodoncia


Introduction: the analysis of space through Moyers tables is a non-radiographic method used to detect size discrepancies of premolars and canines from the mesio-distal width of the lower incisors. Objetive: to verify the intra-observer reproducibility in mesiodistal measurements of premolars, canines and incisors and the concordance between the observed records and those predicted by the Moyers prediction tables in the percentil 75 in the Spanish population. Material and methods: plaster models belonging to 50 subjects (27 women and 23 men) with the entire permanent dentition intact without previous orthodontic treatment were analyzed. Two blinded researchers performed measurements to check the intraand interobserver reliability of the mesio-distal size of the premolars and upper and lower canines and lower incisors with a digital caliper. Reliability was checked using the intraclass correlation coefficient (CCI), mean differences, standard error of the mean and the smallest detectable difference. The existence of systematic biases was assessed by regression analysis. Results: the CCI lower limits between observers showed high reliability. All variables showed significant differences with respect to the values predicted by Moyers, with an overestimation of the latter in all subjects. Conclusions: Moyers’ tables in the 75th percentile overestimate the sizes and it is necessary to update them in the Spanish population.