Phthiriasis palpebraldiagnóstico y tratamiento
- JS López García
- I García Lozano
- J Martínez Garchitorena
ISSN: 0365-6691
Année de publication: 2003
Volumen: 78
Número: 7
Pages: 365-374
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia
Phthiriasis palpebrarum, caused by Phthirus pubis, is an uncommon cause of blepharoconjunctivitis; therefore, this condition is easily misdiagnosed. When diagnosed, genital involvement must be ruled out. Association with other venereal diseases is common. Affected children must be searched for sexual abuse. The number of diagnosed patients in our department has increased in recent years. We review the epidemiological, clinical and diagnostic features of phthriasis palpebrarum as well as the different treatment options to eradicate the parasite and to prevent infestations.
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