Estudio de la dimensión óptima de la placa radiográfica de aleta mordida intraoral infantil

  1. Lacalle Muñoz de Cuerva, Concepción
Dirixida por:
  1. Montserrat Diéguez Pérez Director
  2. Marta Muñoz Corcuera Co-director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Europea de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 22 de decembro de 2022

  1. Joaquín de Nova García Presidente/a
  2. Begoña Bartolomé Villar Secretario/a
  3. Anabella Reyes Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 808556 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


INTRODUCTION: The interproximal or bitewing technique is useful for the systematic study and diagnosis of dental caries in children in the deciduous dentition stage. The current dimensions of the intraoral radiographic plates used for this purpose, in patients under six years of age, generate a rejection in the child due to their dimension. Optimizing the size of the plaque would reduce discomfort and rejection of radiographic exploration. OBJECTIVES: The general objective of this doctoral thesis was to determine the adequate dimensions for a radiographic plate that would allow a correct visualization of dental tissues and that would have a good fit in the oral cavity of children between 3 and 5 years of age without causing discomfort or rejection in the teeth. patients when performing bitewing radiographs. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A quasi-experimental clinical, observational, crosssectional, and analytical study was carried out. The study popu;ation was made up of boys and girls between 3 and 5 years old who attended the Postgraduate Dental University Clinic of the European University of Madrid between January 2018 and October 2019. the patients requested a ciifiical and radiographic diagnosis of the state of their oral health. A first phase was carried out in which radiographic measurements were made to obtain adequate dimensions of the radiographic plate, and a second phase in which a cut plate was used to check its reliability and comfort for patients. RESULTS: The optimal plate dimensions obtained were 19.5 mm in height and 27.3 mm in width. In the second phase, this size of plate allowed a correct visualization of the dental tissues, with hardly any rejection, ischemia, or gag reflex in the participating patients. DISCUSSION: The studies reviewed in the literature are based mainly on maxillary and dental measurements in primary dentition referred to coronal size, without considering the length of the occlusal surface to the furcation of the tooth, a necessary measurement to determine the magnitude in the vertical direction. of the radiographic plate. CONCLUSIONS: According to the data collected and the cafculation made, a smaller dimension of the radiographic plate allows a correct visualization of the coronal dental tissues and has a good fit in the oral cavity of children between 3 and 5 years of age without causing discomfort or rejection. perform a bitewing radiograph.