Educación a padres de niños sometidos a cuidados paliativosrevisión sistemática de ensayos clínicos

  1. Pedro Piqueras Rodríguez
  2. Gema Tapia Serrano
  3. Verónica Álvarez Gonzalo
  4. MªLuisa Díaz Martínez
  5. Patricia Luna Castaño
  6. Mª del Carmen Sellán Soto
NURE investigación: Revista Científica de enfermería

ISSN: 1697-218X

Ano de publicación: 2019

Número: 98

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: NURE investigación: Revista Científica de enfermería

Repositorio institucional: lock_openAcceso aberto Editor


Paediatric palliative care entails a comprehensive and active care for the child and support for the family. It is essential to involve and empower parents and caregivers in order to carry out quality paediatric palliative care, being health education the most appropriate way to achieve this. The objective was to assess the effectiveness of parents' education in paediatric palliative care according to information from clinical trials. A systematic review was carried out following the protocol of the PRISMA declaration standards. Randomized clinical trials were selected in which the study intervention was an educational program aimed at parents of children undergoing palliative care or terminal care. It was not possible to assess the effectiveness of education to parents in paediatric palliative care because there were no clinical trials assessing this matter. We believe it is necessary to develop experimental research in order to assess what type of interventions are most effective in this group.