Hipersensibilidad Tipo IV al Níquel y su Relación con Restauraciones Metálicas en la Cavidad Oral

  1. Marlyn Berrios
  2. Juan Carlos López
  3. Pedro José Salinas
Acta odontológica venezolana

ISSN: 0001-6365

Year of publication: 2009

Volume: 47

Issue: 1

Pages: 43-44

Type: Article

More publications in: Acta odontológica venezolana


With the purpose of determining the prevalence of type IV hypersensibility to nickel (Ni) contact and its relation with a positive allergic clinic history, the use of removable partial denture (RPD) and the presence of metallic restoration in mouth, they were studied 61patients with ages between 19 and 75 years old who required as an integral dentistry treatment the installation of a new RPD and who formally agree (signed a document) to be part of this study. This work was carried out at the Dentistry College of the Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela, between May 2006 and May 2007. It was filled up a clinic history to each patient. The patch testing with nickel sulphate at 5% was applied to each patient for 72 hours which results were determined following the International Contact Dermatitis Research Group criteria. The results reveled a prevalence of 24,6% of type IV hypersensibility in the observed group. It was also found that patients without any metallic restoration in mouth and without allergic clinic history to the metallic jewelry presented low prevalence of type IV hypersensibility reaction to the nickel sulphate. In opposition, it was found high prevalence in patients with metallic restoration in the oral cavity and allergic antecedents to the metallic jewelry. The relationship between a positive or negative allergic history to the metallic jewelry and the presence or absence of metallic restoration in mouth with the high or low, respectively, prevalence of type IV hypersensibility to the nickel suggests that the positive conditions are direct or indirect causes of nickel sensibilization.

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