Effects of acute beetroot juice intake on performance, maximal oxygen uptake, and ventilatory efficiency in well-trained master rowers: a randomized, double-blinded crossover study

  1. Garnacho-Castaño, M.V.
  2. Pleguezuelos-Cobo, E.
  3. Berbel, M.
  4. Irurtia, A.
  5. Carrasco-Marginet, M.
  6. Castizo-Olier, J.
  7. Veiga-Herreros, P.
  8. Faundez-Zanuy, M.
  9. Serra-Payá, N.
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition

ISSN: 1550-2783

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 21

Issue: 1

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1080/15502783.2024.2373170 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor