Faculty: Facultad de Veterinaria

Research unit: Unidad de Investigación Biomédica UIB-UAX

Research group: Inmunoterapia oncológica

Email: aperibar@uax.es

Doctor by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid with the thesis Efecto del vih-1 en la desregulación de los linfoctios b. Papel de dendrímeros carbosilano en la respuesta inflamatoria, como agentes transfectantes y en la polarización de macrófagos de tipo m2 2013. Supervised by Dr. Maria Angeles Muñoz Fernandez, Dr. Marjorie Pion.

Dr. Judith Perisé obtained her bachelors degree in Biology in 2008 at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, followed by a masters degree in Genetics at the same university. In 2013, she obtained a PhD (Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Biomedicine and Biotechnology) at the Autonomous University of Madrid. During the predoctoral stage, she focused on characterizing the effect of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus on the dysregulation of B lymphocytes. Subsequently, as a postdoctoral researcher, she focused on the search for new therapies in oncology, describing a molecule that modified tumor-associated macrophages, which would provide a better prognosis for tumor control. She then worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the National Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) in the Cell Biotechnology laboratory thanks to a Juan de la Cierva competitive grant awarded by MINECO. She focused on immunotherapies against cancer; specifically, those based on oncolytic viruses, with the main objective of performing translational research. In 2018, she formed her own research group, Oncological Immunotherapy, at the Biomedical Research Unit of the University Alfonso X el Sabio (UIB-UAX), opening new lines of translational research using companion dogs to investigate immunotherapies against tumors, which could be applied to human oncology. Her most relevant aspect as a researcher is the translational capacity of the results she obtained in dogs to be transferred to the human clinic through the approval of regulated clinical trials (EudraCT 2019-001154-26 and EudraCT 2020-004838-37), thanks to close collaboration with the Cellular Biotechnology Unit of the ISCIII, with the Virotherapy Group at Institut Català dOncologia (ICO-IDIBELL) and with the Childrens Hospital Niño Jesús. She is currently participating as leader of this group from Spain in a project funded by the National Institutes of Health (R-01;2022-27), in collaboration with the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) and the Dartmouth Cancer Center Lebanon (NH, USA). She is currently participating in a TRANSCAN-3 European Project led by the ISCIII, being in charge of research with canine oncology patients. She has also led, as a PI, a project financed by the CAM and led another 3 intramural financing projects at the University. Most of Dr. Perisé's original articles have been published in journals, included in the first quartile/decile, the majority as senior and/or corresponding author and as first author. She has participated in the writing of 2 book chapters in collaboration with the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) and is the inventor of the patent "Combination product comprising a modified mesenchymal stem cell and an antigenic substance" (PCT/ES2018/070582). She has had 2 consecutive 6-year research periods (2010-15 and 2016-21) accredited by the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora [CNEAI]), and her training has been recognized by the Community of Madrid of the Function D for users of Experimental Animals. Academically, Dr. Perisé has directed two doctoral theses, and she is currently the Director of 4 PhD students and has led 17 master's and bachelor's theses. She has participated in the doctoral dissertation tribunal and has lectured in Immunology, Immunotechnology and Laboratory Techniques at the UAX in the degrees of Veterinary and Biotechnology and the Doctorate Postgraduate Program since 2018. She was accredited by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) as Hired Doctor Professor and Private University Lecturer in 2022.